Thursday 30 July 2009

Yeh I know its been too long, Old war wounds etc

Here I am again after a while of absense, I have a new job funnily enough as the Organ Grinder and not the Monkey this time.
Enough of this needless gloating tho and on to todays subject matter.........

War wounds everyone has them and they always bite you back at some stage, wheter its 20 years down the line or the next morning when you have sobered up.
Today I am limping ever so slightly its the change in the weather I think ,but how do you explain why you are limping in these situations especially when what caused them is in fact rather silly.

Well this perticular war wound involved much Alcohol and a Bicycle expedition to the local all night Tescos..

There i was riding along (On the pavement Officer) Turning my head occasionally, talking to my friend whilst riding.
...........and then I rode straight down a flight of stairs.
Not something to put on ones CV is it.
or the one that involved broken ribs in a Jack Daniels fueled Unicycling incident.
Its always seems like such a good idea at the time tho........


Friday 3 July 2009

Apathy makes the world go round and clocks spin faster

The stale routine of gainful unemployment has once again sucked the get up and go from me.
My current get up and go involves getting up and going to the computer in search of gainful employment.

I'm thrown into the unfortunate position that the search involves me considering doing 1001 things that have little interest to me, but will do for now.
Another thing is I can sniff out a bad employer in under a paragraph.
Phrases like conforms to Minimal wage etc and the Alarm bells ring.
How the hell am I supposed to muster up any enthusiasm for the mundane in that situation?
"Oh yes sir I live to stuff envelopes and putting labels on bottles of Bubble bath.............. yes sir I'm more than happy to do it for someone who is going to pay me the bare minimum you can get away with........and yes sir I will be eternally grateful...... meek and mealy mouthed whilst being treated with pure contempt........wear the companies colours with pride....Have no future prospects......will pray to the bubble bath gods ..........and yes sir I can boogie".
40 hours a week is a long time to spend doing something you hate, for someone you would only urinate on if they were on fire and you could piss petrol.

So where does that leave me? amongst the unfortunates that populate the Jobcentre Plus.(I have yet to find the Plus in the place BTW)
No chance, I have walked that plank cap in hand, in my hour of need, and amongst the reams of paperwork and Inquisitions on the minutae of my comings and goings, there seems to be some small print I have missed.

Those of an Honest disposition need not apply.

I dont have 14 kids an ASBO and a Heroin habit to feed by selling knock off DVDs down the Car Boot.

Thing is how many people say "Oh I'm so bored not having a job", I can say hand on heart I could easily find enough happy distractions to fill my day, but I don't.
I spend 8-9 hours a day looking for work ,filling in forms adapting the CV to suit each one
It was worse when I was dealing with the Jobcenter, cos I had to take time out to prove to them I was a good boy too, turned out that was a distraction and a hiding to nothing anyway.
Add on a bit of housework and paperwork and it equates to a day at the office.

Oh to sit in my Keck's scratching my Arse and playing X Box...... but my conscience wont let me.
Weekends tend to blur into Weekdays and besides since in a dependant of my Wife, The catholic guilt ingrained in me from childhood wont let me have fun.
Repent for your sins young man......... go forth to the Garden Centre and wash thy Dishes with aplomb........for you are truly a burden on the world.

They say the devil makes work for idle hands to do, I say anything over £6 an hour, 20 days paid leave and he is on.

Laters and be lucky