Monday 5 October 2009

Take pride in your work....even if it not something to be Proud of

So once again its been too long....Sorry to my one subscriber.
Anyway Im temporarily taking part in the buisness end of things again (no explanation given or needed)
Im in an office type enviroment for a couple of hours Cleaning as opposed to pen pushing.
Im not grumbling I actually find it theraputic compared to the beaurocracy I usualy contend with.

It also gives me an insite and a timely reminder of what people working for me need to go through on a daily basis.
Now part of this gig involves collecting cups and filling a Dishwasher....easy peasy eh!
The worst bit is hunting the buggers down, some make it back to the sink but others could be anywhere and everywhere.
If I dont find them all its a big black mark on my report card and stern words.
but enough of the boring stuff and back story.
I like to make the people who work for me feel important ,and at this particular gig I sense apathy.
Why ........well a week of doing this gig has pretty much spelt it out for me.
Cleaning is a fast paced Business.....Its also one where people will notice the one thing you missed and be oblivious to the 30 things you did really well.
If i miss the bin you hid under the desk while working late, its cos I didnt want to disturb you and gain a withering look for my troubles.
Hoovers make noise .......sorry bout that! If it disturbs you get in the office earlier, im here every night like clockwork.
and if I dont vacuum I get a bollocking, A Paddington Bear stare Is not going to cut the mustard from me.
Is it really that difficult to turn around and put a Teabag in the bin behind you?
If you leave stuff beside the bin put a label on it, If you want it gone......Well im a cleaner not Derren Fucking Brown.
Assumption is the mother of all fuckups, If i bin it and you need it.... the end result is interogation with the end result of me needing to Dumpster Dive.
Give us a fucking clue......

Snotty Tissues.........There is a fucking swine flu epedemic going on put it in the Bin dont leave it on the desk i dont need to inspect it......and whilst on the subject of bins.....

You are supplied with a bin and its not a difficult device to use. If you have a paper cup full of coffee pour it down the sink if it goes cold, I dont want it over my legs/feet cheers......Hot office spilt milky fluids make me smell like a cheese factory towards the end of my shift .........Its Cuntish, dont do it!
If you jam so much shit in the bin, and the bag slips off the rim you are doing it wrong!!!!!!!

Besides you are there to work and if your bin is filled with Food wrappers and your table is filled with aint working that hard.
and lastly back to the get a second cup of Coffee etc you need to go to the Kitchen right?
Now heres a inovative idea!
pick up the empty cup and take it back to the are going there anyway :)

Sorry to moan but i am a Cleaner at the mo , im not a fucking wetnurse

Peace out

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