Monday 9 January 2012

but all I got was bitter and a Nasty little rash

Did I ever say I was shit at keeping going on Stuff?
Well here I am again, after a slight pause, I didn't actually realise anyone was interested in this pile of old Toot I spit out in the dusty corners of the internet.
I had a nudge about carrying on and posting more a while back.
I took it as politeness, and then just yesterday I was asked again whatever happened to your Blog?
So I'm guessing, Now is as gooder time as any to continue with the thinly veiled mindless ranting, with a bit of childish Puerility thrown in for good measure.
So what have you missed, Not a lot. A few nut bar customers here and there , countless ones if I'm honest, but hey ho the customer is always right even though they are not always right in the head.
So what's happening now
I'm back on the tools full time in probably the scuzziest Shopping centre in the southern hemisphere.
What the....HOW? Well here's the thing, I got fed up where I was and decided it was high time to sack the company that was working (Or not) for me.
Without details they were getting on my tits...........Its was all a bit too raaah raahh down with the peasants and up with us, Too much stick and not enough carrot if you will.
Firstly I decided being boss man was not for me, so I demoted myself to cleaner.
Then the work got thinner and thinner, and the people I was Working for changed so many times I took it as a hint that all was not healthy and it was time to hit the road.
I had a rumour that someone I had previously worked for and got on really well with had some work going, so I got in touch . They wanted me on-board , and I jumped ship.
It was good Money and an interesting Job, I have been craving interesting for a while.....
Unfortunately I failed their Medical (Nothing serious but not something I can change)
So there I was on Friday morning with nothing to go to on Monday
Then I got a call from someone else I had previously worked with and got on well with , Mark we have a job for you, this will suit you down to the ground.
Let me put it this way the moment they said “Mark we have a job for you”, I pretty much signed on the line, considering my options ,I.e. NONE!
So now I am working in said Scuzzy shopping centre and my days involve Shit, Piss, Needles Shouty Bosses, Im in charge of Errant cleaners akin to taking a holiday or sickie at the drop of a hat.
Everyone has a Childish behaviour and a general I cant be arsed attitude, Oh and I'm on Less money than I was on before.
But I have a Job.
So that's got you up to speed.
Other than i have an itchy rash of spots on my arms and legs, Its annoying but not overly so........
I will be back when I have something interesting to say
Laters and be nice to your cleaner


  1. So glad to see you back ... you are an inspiration on so many levels :) x
