Saturday 14 January 2012

Blow it out keep it in.

I'm not a person that expects a lot out of life , I don't go around whining why is the world not my Lollipop Usually …
Well that's the odd thing if you were to judge me on the basis of my Blog alone , you would guess otherwise.
I can assure you I'm really quite an upbeat person really.
The thing Is If you surround yourself with misery for too long It will start to rub off on you.
And I see a lot of miserable people.
I dont do religion, If it works for you then great but its just not for me , Its a topic for another (If slightly duller) day.
There is however one thing I try to stick with (apart from don't kill anyone bit in most of these moral guide books.....cos that what I see them as) and its a bit derived from Buddisim.
“You may not be able to control a situation, but you can control your response to the situation”
Cut down to the bone , It gives you power, If something upsets/ annoys you it is your choosing to be upset/annoyed., you just pause before it goes too far, Rationalise it and shrug it off... Well sometimes.
We all however need a release valve, and that where this blog comes in, Its the valve.
Its a dark corner I can Let it out, Its like going out the back at work and kicking the shit out of the dustbins without the stubbed toe.
When you trot back into the mayhem after the outburst, Some will nod sagely and go “ That better then?” Some will back away slightly, Some will walk past you to kick those bins themselves, and some will have a laugh at what a Tit you made of yourself.
The thing is I really don't care what you get out of it (in the nicest possible way) Its all about me.
However If you get what you need by reading these bin Kickings then that's great also..
I have just read back through this and realised I tend to type the Phrase “The thing is” quite a bit, and I have no Idea why.
But then again (Oh shit, another overused phrase of mine) ITS ALL ABOUT ME, Its not a piece of created writing I'm handing in for a thesis, Its not a report for work and If I'm Honest im really not doing this to Impress None of you Motherfuckers... got that? Still here?
Well that's all for now Bogbloggers, but I have got some recommended reading for you. There are Two people on this very Blog thingie that are both interesting and make my ramblings look very lightweight.
You could do a lot worse than check out Faeriefuckwit (correct spellings may vary) and The Constant Avenger,
Both blogs are written with a lot of flair , by two very interesting people.
Also if you like this sort of Crap Dead End Job Ramblings I put out, You could do well to search out a Book by a Guy called Ben Hamper, The book is called Rivethead.
Rivethead is pretty much the thing that started me on this Blog , It has had an influence on the way I write it too. Its pretty much the guys life Story, from fucking up School, substance abuse, ending up in a dead end Job, The people around them and his observations of them,Losing it, and finally ending up dealing with his demons.
It sounds really shit but its compulsive I promise you.

One last thing, I really dont know it anyones noticed a trend with a lot of my titles... answers to the usual address :)

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