Monday 9 January 2012

Waaaah BodyfoRRRRm Bodyforrrm for YOOOOOO!

Waaaaaaagh BodyfooooooooooooRRRRm for yeeeeeeeeeuu!
Right I'm really sure you would love to hear my take on the Olympics? Well If I'm Honest I couldn't give a flying fuck.
Next question..........
but this leads me to what I really want to go on about.....
Building design.
I live in a town that has recently Knocked down a striking (If Piss stinking and Bleak) Bus Station.
This has been replaced with something that I can only describe as something that looks like it should be trimming Bikini lines.
It is Hideous and I seriously doubt it will age well either, Yes it is striking but its one of these buildings that is mostly outside (If that makes sense) It affords little in the line of shelter to the elements.
Thing is the building it replaced at least did that, So we lost something shit and got something shitter that does not do as much as the forerunner
This strikes me as a bit odd?
WTF has this to do with the Olympics?
Well talking of Design, Buildings and ladygardens
What is the Olympic swimming place supposed to look like?
Well Google the roof view …...Now is it just me, or does it look like a Giant pantyliner?
Makes you wonder what these Designers are taking us for , I have my Theory and in sticking to it.

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