Monday 15 June 2009

Tell me why I dont like Mondays?

Well here we are at the start of another Week . Well I suppose I had better start with a bit about me.
You may know me already but you may have googled me by accident and were lured in out of boredom, so I will make the assumption you are clueless about the ins and outs of my life.
My Name is Mark in 38 ish years old, and I'm a cleaner in a large company (I'm Afraid I'm going to need to keep that Vague for obvious reasons of this and that)

Why Blog of the Bog?
Well part of my job is cleaning Toilets and altho I will try to keep the Toilet humour to a minimum ,there is going to be some present obviously.........Its what I do for a living and that's a part of my life.
On the whole tho I try to busy my mind with anything else other than sticking my hand down a toilet and scrubbing the shrapnel off the pan.

So how does one become a cleaner?

Well In my case it involved 2 stints in College learning "trades that would stand me well for life" (HA HA) and various career moves ,and a patch of unemployment during the worldwide Recession.
So here I am at the juncture in my life doing what it takes to survive for now.

and on to the Monday thing.

Mondays for me mean there is a bigger mess than usual to clear up,since I don't work weekends and the place gets used as a wedding venue as well as its normal office block usage during the week things get messy.
Today was no exception to the rule.

So there I am at 6 am assessing the Damage

Now I'm no killjoy but Weddings and Alcohol do strange things to people, There will be toilet paper all over the floor, Unflushed toilets and the evidence of too much finger food upsetting tummy's.
Now this leaves me a bit puzzled,It also causes me to ask myself questions.

How mortal do you need to get to miss your own Arsehole with toilet paper?

How do they fail to hit a Toilet

Why would they leave a Vase in a Toilet?

What sort of Gig was it to involve people using lots of cable ties in the Toilets? (I'm not sure i want to know the answer to that.....It all looked a bit Deviant to me)

How do you Guys manage to keep your own Toilets from blocking at home without my help?


Why is it the ladies that's always in the worst state? well you are sitting down for Starters the paper is on the floor beside the does that work?

Anyway its all pristine again now, and Its what I do to keep the Wolves from the door.....Mus sent grumble!

but anyway enough of me chuntering on about Toilets.

I'm off to ponder life the Universe and everything.....

Be nice, have fun.......... and be sure to say "Hello" to the cleaner when you walk past them. Maybe even ask them about the weekend , cos they are sure as hell trying to find any distraction to take their mind off what they just put their hand in...................and what exactly was that that dripped out of the bin on to their shoes?

We are but human ;)


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